- 南黃海M6.2地震the South Yellow Sea M6.2 earthquake
- 南south
- 乾安-前郭ML5.2地震Qian' an-Qianguo ML 5.2 earthquake
- 應用合成地震記錄確定南黃海北部盆地中生代地層的分佈Synthetic seismogram determination of the mesozoic strata distribution in the Northern South Yellow Sea Basin
- 南黃海B10岩心的地球化學特徵及其對古環境和古氣候的反映Geochemical changes in Core B10 in the southern Huanghai Sea and implications for variations in paleoenvironment and paleoclimate
- 對西南海海槽的NT6 2 - 2地震測線進行了重新處理 ,突出了天然氣水合物似海底反射層 (BSR)的特徵 .The data of NT62-2 seismic line of western Nankai Trough are reprocessed, and the character of the distribution of Bottom simulating reflector (BSR) is emphasized.
- 應用穩定同位素技術對南黃海兩種鳀科魚類食物競爭的研究Diet Competition between Two Anchovies Fishes In the Southern Yellow Sea with Stable Isotope Techniques
- 中南(abbreviation for) China - South Africa
- 此台陣使用REF TEK 72A-02記錄器和寬頻帶STS-2地震計,進行事件觸發及連續記錄。 此次觀測為在青藏高原內採集地震數據提供了極好的機會。The array operated in both event-trgger mode and continuous mode and utilized the portable recorder REF TEK 72A-02 and the broadband seismometer STS-2 It provides a unique opportunity to collect seismic data within the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau itself.
- 南北north and south
- 南大Nanjing University
- 向南southward
- 南開Nankai
- 南黃海southern Yellow Sea
- 南黃海族the southern Yellow Sea school
- 南黃海鳀產卵場中華哲水蚤的數量分佈及其攝食研究Horizontal distribution and feeding activities of Calanus sinicus in the anchovy spawning ground in the Southern Yellow Sea
- 南黃海中部central of South Yellow Sea
- 南黃海盆地South Yellow Sea basin
- 魯東-南黃海Ludong - Nanhuanghai
- 南黃海北部the Northern of South Yellow Sea