- 單-活性X染色體原則single active X principle
- 一個可能為X染色體顯性遺傳的單一鐙骨畸形家系的臨床研究Clinical study of a single congenital stapes malformation with possible X-linked dominant inheritance
- 報銷單expense account
- 表單memu
- 染色體chromosome
- 運單freight note
- 指導原則the golden rule
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- X染色體倒位伴X連鎖無汗性外胚葉發育不良一個家系的產前診斷Prenatal diagnosis of X-linked anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia with X-chromosome inversion
- 艙單shipping bill
- 單層monolayer
- X染色體均為近中著絲粒染色體,Y染色體為近端著絲粒染色體。The X chromosomes were all submeta-centric and the Y chromosomes were acrocentric in five breeds.
- 裝箱單packing list
- 請單specification
- 單的mono
- X染色體失活偏移X-chromosomal inactivation skewing
- 單發single shot
- 入庫單godown entry
- 脫離X染色體detached X
- 單板veneer