- 尚可tolerableness
- Maple軟體Maple software
- Maple語言Maple language
- 尚有more
- Maple程序Maple program
- 分佈MapleDistributed Maple
- 有些和尚在僻靜處隱居。Some Buddhist monks live in solitude as hermits.
- 計算機代數系統Maplecomputer algebraic system maple
- 尚需still need
- Maple支持下的電動力學Electrodynamics with Maple
- 那個謎尚待解開。The mystery remains to be dissolved.
- Maple軟體在常微分方程中的應用Application of Maple Computer System in ODE
- 這個計劃尚在討論中。The plan is still under discussion.
- 六連桿打緯機構的MAPLE動態設計及分析Kinematical design and analysis of the six-bar beating-up mechanism with MAPLE
- 這一時尚曾風靡全國。The craze swept the country.
- 花和尚dandy monk
- MAPLE用於軸對稱熱傳導問題邊界奇異積分計算Using MAPLE on the Calculation of Singular Boundary Integrations in Thermal Conduction Problems of Symmetrical Structures
- 係數不準確的多元多項式因式分解的MAPLE實現Implementation of Factorization of Multivariate Polynomial with Inaccurate Coefficients by MAPLE
- 有好幾個問題尚待解決。Several problems remain to be solved.
- 四桿機構精確綜合的符號設計方法及Maple實現Symbolic Design Method of Four-linkage and Its Implementing With Maple