
[gōng kuī yī kuì]




功虧一簣 [gōng kuī yí kuì]
  • - (比喻一件大事只差最後一點人力物力而不能成功) lack a basketful -- work not completed; abandon work that has been seriously undertaken; be just one step short of success [completion]; between the cup and the lip; fail to succeed for lack of a final effort; fall short of completion by one basket of earth; fail on the eve of complete success; fail to build a mound for want of the last basket of earth; fail to make the final effort [finishing touch]; just fall short of final completion; fall short of success at the last stage:

    Why do you discontinue compiling your dictionary? Don't you think it a pity to give it up when it is nearly completed? 為什麼你不繼續編纂你的詞典呢?功虧一簣,你不覺得可惜嗎?

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