- 前列腺素D2受體DP receptor
- 研究表明PGD2具有睡眠調節作用,其機理為PGD2與前列腺素D2受體結合,升高基底前腦部位細胞外腺苷水平。PGD_2 has been identified to be a sleep-inducing substance that becomes bound to the DP receptor (DPR) exclusively localized on the surface of the basal forebrain, leading to an increase in extracellular adenosine levels there.
- 前列腺素D2PGD2; prostaglandin D2
- 循環中的PGD2可與前腦頭端基底腹內側面的化學感受器中的前列腺素D2受體(DPR)相互作用,通過活化具有腺苷A2a。 受體的神經元以產生促進睡眠的信號。PGD2 then interacts with DP receptors (DPR) in the chemosensory region of the ventro-medial surface of the rostral basal forebrain to initiate the signal to promote sleep probably via the activation of adenosine A2a receptive neurons.
- 多巴胺D2受體激動劑dopamine D2 receptor agonist
- 鰣黴素D2Ezomycin D2
- 前列腺prostate
- 前列腺炎prostatitis
- 多巴胺D2受體-141C Ins/Del多態與海洛因渴求的關係Relationship between DRD2 - 141C Ins/Del Polymorphism and Heroin Craving
- 多粘菌素D2Polymyxin D2
- 黴素zymoid
- 前列腺癌prostatic carcinoma
- 彈力素elastin
- 目的分析多巴胺D2受體(DRD2)基因-141CIns/Del多態是否與海洛因成癮易感性有關。ObjectiveTo analyze the relationship between DRD_2receptor gene-141C Ins/Del polymorphism and heroin dependence.
- 阿黴素adriamycin
- 凝集素agglutinin
- 國外近年由於分子生物學方法的介入,發現多巴胺D2受體TaqIA1等位基因與本病相關。It has been reported in foreign literature that the A 1 allele of the Taq I polymorphism of the dopamine D 2 receptor gene(DRD 2)was related to ADHD.
- 白細胞介素interleukin
- 阿奇黴素azithromycin
- 目的:探討嗎啡戒斷時多巴胺D2受體含量的變化情況及極低頻電磁場對多巴胺D2受體的影響。Objective : To study the changes on contents of dopamine D2 receptor after morphine abstinent, and effects of extremely low-frequency electromagnectic field (ELFEF) on dopamine D2 receptor . Methods : 42 male SD rats were used.