- 刻骨deeply ingrained; deep-rooted
- 刻骨的bone-deep
- 對敵人的刻骨仇恨inveterate hatred for the enemy
- 刻quarter (hour)
- 刻骨相思deep love and remembrance of lovers; carve on the bones and think of each other; miss each other very much
- 刻錄imprinting
- 刻骨的仇恨virulent hatred
- 刻錄機CD writer; disc-carving machine
- 光刻photoetching
- 魚骨fishbone
- 刻上engrave
- 骨感bony
- 刻蝕mechanical erosion
- 毛骨悚然的thrilling
- DVD刻錄機DVD burner
- 刻下inscribe
- 光刻膠photosensitive resist
- 刻花decorative cutting
- 刻錄光碟imprint CDs; CD imprinting
- 同一時刻synchronization