- 初診T2DMNewly diagnosis T2DM
- 初診T2DM患者MAU發生率為32.56%,合併高血壓者MAU發生率為40.00%。The incidence of MAU was 32.56%25 in preliminanily diagnosed patients of type 2 diabetes,while it was 40.0%25 in patients complicated with hypertension.
- 高血壓初診患者hypertension patients in the preliminary diagnosis
- 初診肺結核的臨床特點及防治The clinical characteristic, prevention and cure of preliminary diagnosis phthisic
- 2型糖尿病(T2DM)Type 2 diabetes(T2DM)
- 初診肺結核臨床特點及防治對策Clinical characteristics and prophylatico-therapeutic measures of first visit pulmonary tuberculosis
- 7487例心理諮詢門診初診調查研究Investigation and Analysis of 7487 First out-patients in the Consulting Clinic
- T2DM與其子女AIP明顯相關(P<0.05)。Positive correlation of AIP between type 2 diabetic patients and their offspring were observed (r=0.241, P<0.05).
- 高血壓初診患者控煙過程中的心理狀況調查Investigation of Emotional Manifestations during Smoke Temperance in Preliminarily-diagnosed Hypertension Patients
- 羅格列酮能改善胰島素控制不良的T2DM患者的血糖控制 ;RSG can improve glycemic control in patients with insulin-inadequately controlled T2DM.
- 原發性高血壓初診患者測定血漿硫化氫的意義The Measurement of Plasma Hydrogen Sulfide in Maiden Diagnosed Patients with Essential Hypertension
- T2DM組AIP值與ox-LDL(r=0.645)及WHR呈正相關(r=0.468);The correlation analysis also revealed a strong positive correlation(r=0.645,r=0.468 respectively)between AIP and ox-LDL and WHR in T_2DM group and a positive correlation(r=0.410) between AIP and WHR in IGT goup.
- T2DM患者血漿Fg 水平與正常對照組有顯著性差異 (P<0.01) ;Plasma FG levels of T2DM patients were significantly higher than control group(P<0.01).
- 甲狀腺功能亢進症初診患者肝功能異常的臨床分析Clinical study of hepatic dysfunction in newly diagnosed hyperthyroid patients
- T2DM組相對於IGT組,呈現SBP、DBPI、MTo、x-LDL及AIP的增高。members of the T_2DM had higher SBP,DBP,IMT,ox-LDL and AIP than IGT group.
- 第二診斷意見是為了驗證初診結果並減少不必要的程序。The second opinion is supposed to validate the original diagnosis and eliminate unnecessary procedures.
- NGT、IGT、T2DM、DGP的MBCI值依次降低,兩兩比較存在顯著差異。The MBCI of NGT, IGT,T2DM and DGP fell in turn, there were significantly differences among the groups.
- 56例初診APL病人給予As_2O_3誘導分化治療(10mg/日)。Methods56 patients with newly-diagnosed APL were given As_2O_3.to induce differentiation.
- T2DM組GG基因型攜帶者空腹血糖明顯高於AA基因型攜帶者(P<0.05)。Fasting plasma glucose was increased significantly in the GG subjects compared with AA subjects(P<0.05).