- 戰後的村子滿目創痍,景象慘不忍睹。Scenes of devastation were everywhere in the village after the war, so horrible that one could hardly bear to look at them.
- 還有一艘主力艦似乎只受到微創,其他各型艦隻都是瘡痍滿目。Still another battleship appeared to be slightly damaged, and extensive damage had also been inflicted on other types of ships.
- 還有一艘主力艦似乎只受到微創,其他各型艦隻都是瘡痍滿目。Still another battleship appeared to be slightly damaged, and extensive damage had also been inflicted on other types of ships.
- 車禍現場瘡痍滿目一片狼藉。Everywhere near the scene of the car accident, destruction meets the eye.
- 這座城市被戰爭弄得瘡痍滿目。The city was scarred by war.
- 瘡痍滿目的舊中國一去不復返了。The devastated old China is gone for ever.
- 原創original
- 瘡痍滿目(of war and natural calamities) everywhere a scene of devastation meets the eye
- 創世紀Genesis
- 創可貼Woundplast
- 滿目see everywhere
- 傷痍knife wound
- 創紀錄set records
- 風赤瘡痍blepharitis ulcerosa
- 共創create
- 直到時序進入近代,英、法、俄、日的冒險家先後從敦煌藏經洞劫走大批典籍,接著美國人又盜取了大量壁畫,敦煌這才重新聲名大噪,並且變得更加瘡痍滿目。And it was not until modern times when the British,French,Russian and Japanese adventurers plundered large quantities of sutras from Dunhuang's Grottoes of Buddhist Texts and later the Americans stole large numbers of frescoes that Dunhuang regained its fame but became even more devastated.
- 原創性original
- 滿目荒涼。A scene of desolation met the eye on every side.
- 風赤瘡疾,風赤瘡痍ulcerous blepharitis
- 創記錄to set a record