- 發明invention
- 創作creation
- 發明的inventive
- 創作的creative
- 發明專利patent of invention
- 藝術創作artistic creation
- 本發明present invention
- 人類創作音樂已有數千年歷史。Men have been making music for thousands of years.
- 文學創作literary creation
- 他發明了一種新型聽診器。He invented a new type of stethoscope.
- 計算機的發明標誌著一個新時代的開始。The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era.
- 新發明fangle
- 主要從事傳記創作的職業A career entirely devoted to biography.
- 創作過程production process
- 他天生具有發明才能。He is endowed with an inventive mind.
- 誰發明了蒸汽機?Who invented the steam engine?
- 創作能力invention
- 詩的靈感創作詩歌時感受到的靈感The inspiration involved in composing poetry.
- 發明創造invention-creation
- 小發明gizmo