



  1. 我剛要離去,一個陌生人拽我的袖子。
    A stranger plucked at my sleeve as I was leaving.
  2. 我剛要打電話給他,他就來了。
    I wanted to call at him the minute he arrived.
  3. 她剛要開口,我就皺皺眉示意她別出聲。
    As she was about to speak, I frowned her down.
  4. 她剛要上菜開飯,這時來了一些客人。
    She was about to dish up when some guests came.
  5. 他摘下帽子,剛要講話,她卻根本不理他,好像以前從未見過他似的。
    He raised his hat and was about to speak, but she gave him the go-by as though she had never seen him before.
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