- 濕的火柴划不著。Damp matches won't strike.
- 火柴划不著。The match wouldn't strike .
- 這火柴划不著。The match wouldn't strike.
- 著catch
- 這些潮濕的火柴划不著.These damp matches won't strike.
- 划to row
- 對許多人來說,藝術和宣傳是划不清界線的。For many people there was no fine partition between art and propaganda.
- 睡不著stay awake
- 對許多人來說,藝術和宣傳是划不清界線的。For many people there was no fine partition between art and propaganda.
- 睡不著的sleepless
- 淺談船舶載重線勘划不規範的原因、危害及建議On the cause, harm and correction of falling short of the specification in loadline assignment
- 這些數字亨利苦苦地算了好幾個鐘頭,還是摸不著頭腦。Henry puzzled over the figures for hours without making head or tail of it.
- 划不下去can't row
- 這些潮濕的火柴划不著。These damp matches won't strike.
- 這我不敢說。他們用不著看他們自己。可對別人來說卻是很討厭的。I am not sure about that. They do not have to look at themselves. It's offensive to other people.
- 今天風太大了,划不了船。It's too windy to go boating today.
- 整整一夜他在床上翻來覆去地睡不著。All night long he turned and tossed in bed.
- 用不著你教我怎麼說。你老是打斷我的話,好像你知道我要說些什麼似的。Don't put words in my mouth. You keep interrupting me and assuming the you know what I'm going to say.
- 埃爾頓把他在夜裡睡不著時所記熟的故事,幾乎一字不錯的複述了一遍。Almost word for word, Elton repeated a story which he had committed to heart in the watches of the night.
- 午夜后的幾個小時父親一直睡不著。Father lay awake through the wee hours in the morning.