- 幾何Snake模型geometric Snake model
- R-Snake模型R-Snake model
- 幾何(n) the science of geometry
- 基於Snake模型提取病灶輪廓Based Snake-model Extract Focus Boundary
- 基於Snake模型的醫學圖像分割Medical Image Segmentation Based on Snake Model
- 基於改進Snake模型的圖像分割方法Image Segmentation Based on Improved Snake Model
- 幾何圖形geometric drawing
- 解析幾何analytic geometry
- 基於Snake模型的地圖中河流提取演算法Extraction Algorithm of River on Topographic Map Based on Snake Model
- 幾何的geometrical
- 畫法幾何descriptive geometry
- 一種新的圖像力在Snake模型中的應用New image force applied in the Snake model
- 幾何形狀geometrical shape
- 幾何尺寸physical dimension
- 基於先驗知識改進Snake模型的臉部特徵分割Facial Feature Segmentation via Snake Model Improved with Prior Knowledge
- 微分幾何differential geometry
- 基於邊緣流和距離圖Snake模型分割淋巴結超聲圖像Segmentation of Lymphatic Ultrasonic Images Based on The Edge Flow and Distance Map Snake Model
- 基於最小總體偏差和區域信息Snake模型的圖像分割Image Segmentation of Snake Model Based on Minimal Total Deviation and Region Information
- 根據織物懸垂圖像的邊緣輪廓特點,提出採用基於梯度向量流場(GVF)的動態輪廓模型(Snake模型)來識別織物的邊緣輪廓。Therefore,according to features of the contours in fabric drape images,an active contour model(Snakes model)based on the gradient vector flow(GVF) field is proposed to recognize the edges of fabrics.
- 幾何牆模型geometric wall model