- 凌志RX300挑戰賓士ML320RX300 Fighting Benz ML320
- 迎接挑戰be ready for the challenge; meet a challenge
- 挑戰自我self-challenge
- 凌志系列轎車電控動力轉向系統的診斷與檢測Diagnosis and Inspection of Electronic Controlled Power Steering System on LEXUS Series
- 那輛卡車全速向前賓士。The truck rolled on at full speed.
- 面臨挑戰face the challenge
- 凌志LS 400車高控制感測器工作原理及電路檢測Operating Principles of LS 400 Car Height Control Sensor and Its Circuit Test
- 我拚命地快馬加鞭賓士。I rode at a killing pace.
- 凌志LS-400轎車發動機電控燃油噴射系統的故障模擬與實驗分析Fault Simulation of Lingzhi LS-400 Engine the Electronic Fuel Injection System and Experimental Result Analysis
- 他們公然向政府挑戰。They declared open defiance to the government.
- 他把馬牽出去準備騎馬賓士一番。He took the horse out for a gallop.
- 駿馬全速賓士。The proud horse galloped at full speed.
- 美洲殖民地向宗主國挑戰。The American colonies threw down the gauntlet to the motherland.
- 我們看見那匹馬竭力賓士而去。We saw the horse gallop away as fast as he could.
- 工會已經提出挑戰。The trade unions have thrown down the gauntlet.
- 機遇與挑戰並存Opportunity coexists with challenge; coexistence of opportunity and challenge
- 在草原上賓士的那匹馬突然轉變方向,朝一個男人跑去。The steed galloping on the grassland chopped about and ran toward a man.
- 他接到電視辯論的挑戰。He received a challenge to a TV debate.
- 軍艦開足馬力,賓士在遼闊的海洋上。The warship was advancing at top speed on the broad expanse of the sea.
- 他們嘲弄得他接受挑戰。They taunted him into taking the dare.