- 准一維Euler方程Quasi-one-dimensional Euler equations
- 在進氣道-隔離段流場中求解了二維Euler方程,數值模擬了整個流場的波繫結構。Moreover, a inviscid flow field of supersonic inlet-isolator was been obtained in order to simulate the complicated multi-wave structure by solve the 2D Euler equation.
- 准一維海森堡反鐵磁自旋系統的數值研究Numerical Research on Quasi-one-dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic Spin System
- 准一維有機鐵磁體中的電荷密度和自旋密度分佈The Distribution of Charge density and Spin Density in Quasi-one-dimensional Organic Ferromagnet
- 維dimension
- 准standard
- 水泥砂漿石在准一維應變下的動態力學性能研究A Study on the Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Cement Mortar under Quasi-one Dimensional Strain State
- 一維多介質可壓縮Euler方程的高精度RKDG有限元方法A High-order Accurate RKDG Finite Element Method for One-dimensional Compressible Multicomponent Euler Equation
- 我必須去找老闆,讓他下星期准一天假。I must beard the lion in his den and go and ask the boss for a day off next week.
- 一維one dimension
- 給出了一種生成多部件複雜外形飛行器分區網格和Euler方程分區解。A method for generation of multiblock grid and its application to domain decomposition method of Euler equation for multi components aricraft configuration are given.
- 准一維憐quasi one dimensional flow
- 二維無旋可壓縮Euler方程解的幾何爆破The Blowup of Solutions for Two Dimensional Irrotational Compressible Euler Equations
- 一維淺水方程1-D shallow water flow
- 准一維quasi one - dimensional
- 一維有限超晶格的電子態與透射問題的轉移矩陣方法研究Transfer Matrix Method Research for Electronic State and Transport of One Dimensional Finite Superlattices
- 一維雙曲型方程one-dimension hyperbolic equation
- 一維離散牛頓法的收斂性(為慶賀游兆永教授60壽辰而作)Convergence of 1-dimcnsional Discrete Newton Method
- 一維對流-彌散方程one-dimensional convection-diffusion equation
- 准一維的quasi-one-dimensional