- 公雞在農家場院里啼叫。The cock crowed in the farmyard.
- 歡慶場合a gala occasion
- 1973年他們買了一處有150年歷史、草木叢生的農家住宅。In 1973, they bought a shaggy, 150-year-old farmhouse.
- 部隊撤退時,整個城市歡慶解放。As the troops withdrew, the entire city celebrated the liberation.
- 我們來到一個農家場院--我看我們可以徑直走著穿過去。We're coming to a farmyard I suppose we can just walk through.
- 歡慶教師節Celebrate teachers' day
- 出身農家comes from farming stock.
- 歡慶五一celebrate May Day
- 她出身於世代農家。She comes of a peasant strain.
- 歡慶勝利caroling the victory.
- 農家盼Acetamiprik
- 「萬民歡慶」"Millions will rejoice"
- 農家種Local variety
- 歡慶國慶celebrate National Day
- 現如今,現代農業已經開始在雪域高原的廣大農家紮根,Now, modern agriculture has been evolved in Tibet, which is regarded as a miracle on the snow-capped plateau
- 盡情歡慶的時光a time of great rejoicing
- 農家保護on-farm conservation
- 中國歡慶狗年China celebrates Year of the Dog
- 把傷員安置在農家住宿.The wounded were bedded in the farmhouse.
- 繞場一周歡慶勝利to do a lap of honour(= go around the track again to celebrate winning)