



  • - (武器) arms; weapons:

    feed the horses and sharpen the weapons; 秣馬厲兵

    fight hand to hand; in close combat; 短兵相接

    - (軍人) soldier:

    be a soldier; serve [enlist] in the armed forces; 當兵

    train soldiers; 練兵

    - (軍隊) army; troops:

    engineer troops [corps]; 工程兵

    review troops 閱兵

    - (軍隊中的最基層成員) rank-and-file soldier; private:

    unity between officers and men; 官兵一致

    Private First Class (美軍陸軍)一等兵

    - (關於軍事或戰爭的) military affairs [strategy]:

    direct military operations with miraculous skill; 用兵如神

    be an armchair strategist 紙上談兵

    - (中國象棋棋子之一) pawn,one of the pieces in Chinese chess



  1. 士兵們背起行裝,繼續前進。
    The soldiers shouldered their kit and moved on.
  2. 士兵們為爭奪每一寸土地而鬥爭。
    The soldiers contested every inch of ground.
  3. 那場戰爭中很多士兵死於那片沼澤地。
    In that war, many soldiers died in that fen area.
  4. 士兵的職業是打仗。
    The trade of the soldier is war.
  5. 你們國家實行義務兵役制嗎?
    Is military service compulsory in your country?
  6. 這位年輕的士兵被任命為騎兵隊的隊長。
    The young soldier was appointed squadron leader.
  7. 視力不佳將使你免服兵役。
    Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service.
  8. 一名通訊員被派去給前線士兵送消息。
    A messenger was despatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.


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