



  • - (興盛; 流行) prosper; rise; prevail; become popular:

    rise and decline; ups and downs; 興衰

    That's all the vogue now. 現在正興這個呢!

    - (使盛行) encourage; promote:

    energetically encourage the practice of investigation and study 大興調查研究之風

    - (開始; 發動; 興辦) start; begin:

    start war; 興干戈

    start construction 興工

    - (起; 起來) get up; rise:

    get up in the morning; 晨興

    rise early and retire late; work hard 夙興夜寐

    - (准許,多用於否定) permit; allow:

    None of your nonsense! 不興胡說!

    You mustn't tell lies. 不興說謊。

  • - (或許) maybe; perhaps:

    He may or may not come tomorrow. 明天他也興來,也興不來。

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Xing Qu 興渠

  • - (興緻; 興趣) mood or desire to do sth.; interest; excitement:

    enjoy oneself to the full; 盡興

    excitement due to drinking; 酒興



  1. 她竭盡全力使父母高興。
    She does her utmost to please her parents.
  2. 聽到這消息我很高興。
    I'm glad to hear that.
  3. 你喜歡我就高興。
    I'm glad you enjoyed it.
  4. 見到你很高興。
    I'm very glad to meet you.
  5. "自從主任工程師到我們公司來了以後,公司真正地興旺起來了。"
    The company has really flourished since the chief engineer joined us.
  6. 在目前的經濟氣候中,任何新生意都興旺不起來。
    No new business can flourish in the present economic climate.


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