- 關於Web日誌挖掘的研究Study on Web Logging Mining
- Web日誌挖掘的預處理及路徑補全演算法的研究The Research on Data Preprocess and Path Supplement in Web Data Mining
- Web日誌挖掘中概化分析的研究與探討Study and Discuss on Data Generalization Analysis in Web Logs Mining
- 日誌journal
- 這是一篇關於Web服務與Web基礎設施之間關係的討論。By Steve Loughran, a useful discussion on the relationship between Web services and the Web infrastructure.
- 基於Web日誌挖掘的網頁推薦系統的設計Design of Web Page Recommender System Based on Web Log Mining
- 許多關於Web服務的媒體宣傳都設想在大型供應鏈方案上集成企業應用。Much of the media publicity around Web services envisions integrating enterprise applications on large supply chain projects.
- 你問題的第一部分,我要說的就是我們的研究非常廣泛。To answer the first part of your question, I'd like to say that our studies were very extensive.
- 隧道,地道地下隧道或通道,如在洞穴內的或為軍用、採礦而挖掘的地道An underground tunnel or passageway, as in a cave or one dug for military or mining purposes.
- 大約在1925年才開始了關於懸移質的研究。In approximately 1925, work began on the problem of suspension.
- Web日誌挖掘數據預處理與數字圖書館個性化服務Data Preparation in Web Log Mining and Individual Service of Digital Library
- 論文論述了關於Web QoS和網路QoS技術的概念、分類、協議和關鍵技術,詳細研究了TCP/IP網路的綜合服務和區分服務協議。Concepts, classification, protocols and key technology of Web QoS and Network QoS are presented; Integrated Services and Differentiated Services on TCP/IP network are studied in details.
- 用於舉起物品或挖掘的農業工具;有一個手柄和金屬尖頭。an agricultural tool used for lifting or digging; has a handle and metal prongs.
- 有氧健身操對中老年婦女的形態與血液流變學影響的研究Effects of Aerobic Body - building Exercises on the Shapes and Haerheological Indices of the Middle - aged and Oid Women
- Web日誌Web log
- 上海市徐匯區已婚育齡婦女生殖道感染與衛生行為的研究Study on Relationship between Reproductive Tract Infections and Personal Hygiene Behaviors among Vulnerable Married Women in Shanghai
- 網路日誌挖掘中基於時間間隔的會話切分Session identification based on time intervals in Web log mining
- 例如,可將空白頁更改為Web日誌(博客)頁,以便與客戶交流。For example, you can change a blank page into a Web log (blog) page to communicate with your customers.
- 表面紋理磁碟滑動接觸的溫度和應力及退磁臨界條件的研究Coupled Temperature-displacement Finite Element Analysis of a Slider Sliding Contact with a Textured Disk Surface and the Critical Condition for Demagnetization