- 全NSoil total nitrogen
- 全選check all
- 楊樹人工林下的A、B兩個樣地的土壤有機質、全N和速效N含量在2 cm土層中較高;the organic content,total N and alkali-hydrolysable nitrogen content of Populus spp plantations plot A and B is higher in the 2 cm soil layer;
- 該產品可為全N通道功率MOSFET三相橋的直接大電流門極驅動提供輸出,最大電源電壓為38 V。It is designed with outputs for a direct high current gate drive of an all N-channel power MOSFET three phase bridge with a maximum supply voltage of 38 V.
- 全套major combination
- 全屏幕full screen
- 全字匹配match whole word only
- Margalef豐富度指數主要受土壤中Cl~-離子和全N、速N等反映土壤養分和鹽分含量因子的影響;The analysis indicates that abundance(Ma) depend mostly on C~ ,the whole N and the available N ;
- 保全maintain
- 全額sum
- 全職full-time
- 不全insufficiency
- 全形SBC case
- 全勝sweep the board
- 全棉cotton
- 摘要採用軸對稱熱化學非平衡全N-S方程,數值分析了高超聲速噴管流場中非平衡引起的尺度效應。Using axisymmetric full Navier-Stokes equations, the thermo-chemical nonequilibrium flow in hypersonic nozzle was simulated and the scale effects due to nonequilibrium were analysed numerically.
- 全無nil
- 雙全complete in both respects
- 全裸naked
- 全本complete edition