- 全層TiAl基合金室溫斷裂機制的研究Investigation of Fracture Mechanism of Fully Lamellar TiAl Alloy at Room Temperature
- 全層TiAl基合金平板拉伸連續卸載試驗Repeatedly Load-unload-reload Tensile Tests of Fully Lamellar TiAl Alloys
- 全層TiAl基合金斷裂機理的原位拉伸研究Investigation of fracture mechanism in fully lamellar TiAl alloys with in-situ SEM observation
- 全層TiAl基合金fully lamellar TiAl alloy
- 全層TiAl合金fully lamellar titanium aluminum alloys
- TiAl基合金排氣閥離心鑄造充型過程數值模擬的試驗驗證Verification of a Numerical Simulation of the Mold Filling Processes on Centrifugal Casting of Exhausting Valves of TiAl Based Alloys
- 全層TiAl合金架橋韌帶的作用研究Effect of bridging ligament within fully lamellar TiAl alloy
- TiAl基TiAl-matrix
- 新型TiAl基複合材料界面的研究Investigation on Interface of New TiAl Matrix Composites
- 全層施肥whole layer placement of fertilizer
- Zr基合金Zr-based alloys
- 沃爾夫移植物,沃爾夫-克勞斯二氏移植物,全層皮移植片Wolfe graft
- 鑽基合金cobalt-based alloys
- 玻璃酸鈉加bFGF促進兔膝關節全層軟骨缺損修復的實驗研究Experimental study on effects of sodium hyaluronate and bFGF on repairing full-thickness articular cartilage defects of the rabbits'knees
- 右半結腸癌致十二指腸手術缺損帶血管蒂全層迴腸壁修復術Repair of duodenal operatie defect due to infiltration of right hemi -colonic carcinoma with all layers of pedicled ileac flap
- Ti-Al基合金Ti-Al-based alloy
- 鈦釩基合金Ti-V-based alloy
- 全層IVH構造all layer IVH construction
- Ti2Cu基合金Ti2Cu based alloys
- 特發性全層黃斑裂孔手術治療解剖學和視功能恢復效果的評價To the Effect of the internal limiting membrane peeling of the Treatment of Full-thickness Idiopathic Macular Hole