- 兔VX2Rabbit VX2
- 兔VX2瘤rabbit VX2 tumor
- 兔VX2瘤株Rabbit VX2 tumor
- 兔VX2腎移植癌VX2 carcinoma transplanted in rabbits
- 兔rabbit
- VEGF反義核酸調控兔VX2腫瘤早期血管生成的DCE-MRI研究DCE-MRI study on anti-angiogenic effect of rabbit VX2 tumor by antisense VEGF cDNA
- 小兔leveret
- 材料和方法:移植法成功建立紐西蘭兔VX2肝癌模型20隻,共32個瘤灶。Materials and Methods:20 Rabbit VX2 Hepatic Carcinoma Models with 32 foci were successfully set up by implanting method,and MR examinations were performed with a Horizon 1.5T MR system at 2-4 weeks after implantation.
- VX2瘤VX2 carcinoma
- 狡兔三窟a crafty person has more than one hideout
- VX2瘤塊VX2
- 鼠兔pika
- VX2肝癌VX2 carcinoma
- 龜兔賽跑the race between tortoise and rabbit
- VX2腎癌VX2 kindey carcinoma
- VX2瘤株VX2 tumor
- 安哥拉兔Angora rabbit
- VX2腫瘤VX2 tumor
- 兔死狗烹kill the hounds for food once the hares are bagged
- VX2腎腫瘤VX2 kindey neoplasms