- 光澤luster
- 光澤度lustrousness
- 有光澤的glossy
- 大樹參天,把光線差不多都擋住了。Great trees soar above to cut out most of the light.
- 金屬光澤metal lustre
- 森林裡昏暗的光線the dusky light of the forest
- 無光澤lackluster
- 水會使光線折射。Water refracts light.
- 有光澤lustre
- 光線的漫射diffusion of light
- 燈關掉后,光線似乎還遲遲地不肯從他的視網膜上消失。When the lights were turned off, they lingered on the retina of his eyes.
- 這些珍珠光澤很美。These pearls have a beautiful luster.
- 光線穿過黑暗。Lights tunnel the darkness.
- 襯箔在展出的寶石下放置的用以襯出其光澤的薄層剖光金屬A thin layer of polished metal placed under a displayed gem to lend it brilliance.
- 光線偏轉deflection of light
- 光澤的lucidus
- 光線漫射入房間。The light diffused into the room.
- 鹽可使銀失去光澤。Salt tarnishes silver.
- 光線使軟片上起霧翳。Light has fogged this film.
- 無光澤的lacklustre