- 充滿充足的狀態; 充滿The condition of being full; fullness.
- 充滿充足的狀態;充滿。The condition of being full; fullness.
- 充滿充足的狀態;充滿The condition of being full; fullness.
- 會上充滿樂觀的氣氛。A mood of optimism pervaded the gathering.
- 他的心裡充滿了感激之情。His heart overflowed with gratitude.
- 這家公司有充足的資金。The firm is flush with funds.
- 他們的談話充滿了俚語。Their conversation was full of slang.
- 停車場地很充足。There is plenty of parking.
- 我們的開端充滿希望。We had a hopeful beginning.
- 你休息充足嗎?Are you quite rested?
- 人生充滿著磨難。Life is full of trials.
- 空氣里充滿了玫瑰花的芳香。The air is scented with rose.
- 現在有充足的食品和飲料。There is food and drink in plenty now.
- 他充滿信心。He is instinct with confidence.
- 大量的或充足的Copious or abundant.
- 穿過叢林的旅行充滿了危險。The journey through the jungle was perilous.
- 我住在一間陽光充足的房間里。I stayed in a sunny room.
- 我們的工程資金充足。Our project is adequately financed.
- 這房間充滿著濕氣。The air of this room is impregnated with damp.
- 對於這個問題的考據尚不充足。The textual criticisms on the problem are not enough.