- 修正Z系統modified Z-system
- 企業財務困境修正Z模型的實證研究The Empirical Studying of the Financial Distress Prediction by Modifying Altman Z-score Model
- 生態系統ecological system
- 免疫系統immunologic system
- 電力系統electric power system
- 神經系統nervous system
- 電腦系統computer system
- 電氣系統electrical system
- 排水系統drainage system
- 嵌入式系統embedded system
- 泌尿系統urinary system
- 傳動系統transmission agent
- 地理信息系統geographical information system
- 報警系統panalarm
- 門禁系統gate control system
- 系統設置system establishment
- 供水系統waterworks
- 運輸系統belt line
- 生殖系統reproductive system
- 伺服系統servo system