- 修正的Nevai運算元Modified Nevai operators
- 修正的correctional
- 修正to amend
- 最後把求得 g 和 T_d 代入修正的 BCS 公式中,算出超導化合物的臨界溫度。fina-lly inserting g and T_d in BCS formula modified,calculated the critical temperatureT_c of superconducting compounds.
- 基於帶Fuzzy殼Boole代數和修正的Gaines-Rescher蘊涵運算元的險象識別邏輯Dangerous signal recognition logic based on Boolean algebra with fuzzy shell and revised Gaines-Rescher implication operator
- 提高激光干涉小角度測量系統測量精度及誤差修正的研究Research on Improving Measuring Accuracy and System Error Correction of Laser Small Angle Measurement
- 修正的傳播運算元演算法modified propagator algorithm
- 大意是:CP這種方法對於基組誤差修正的影響已經被考慮。The effect of counterpoise(CP) correction mehtod to the BSSE [color=red] has been taken into account [/color] .
- 修正的多元Stancu運算元modified multivariate Stancu operators
- 信念修正的AGM理論The AGM Theory for Belief Revision
- 修正的經度corrected longitude
- 未修正的uncorrected
- 修正的人modifier
- 可修正的modifiable
- 修正的程序[計] revised program
- 修正的令狀[法] amended writ
- 修正的訴狀[法] amended pleading
- 修正的條例[法] amended ordinance
- 高階修正的high order correct
- 修正的引力modified gravity