



  1. 讓我們保持聯繫。
    Let's keep in touch.
  2. 如果瑪麗和凱特是朋友,那麼與凱特交往就是與瑪麗保持聯繫的一個途徑。
    If Mary and Kate were friends, then to consort with Kate was one way of keeping in touch with Mary.
  3. "與此同時,兩小時前放進去了一隻麥克風,使這些人能與他們最親近的親屬保持聯繫。"
    "Meanwhile, a microphone, which was lowered into the mine two hours ago, has enabled the men to keep in touch with the closest relatives."
  4. 他與經理保持聯繫。
    He kept in touch with his manager.
  5. 我在旅行期間輿同學們保持聯繫。
    I kept in touch with my classmates during my journey.
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