



  1. 我不告訴你什麼時候離開,你已經長大了,該自己作出決定。
    I won't tell you what time to leave, you're old enough to use your own discretion.
  2. 拖一下時間,對他們說我們需要他們提供更多的情況才能作出決定。
    Play for time—tell them we need more information from them before we can make a decision.
  3. 對此事我必須進一步研究,才能作出決定。
    I must go into the matter further before making a decision.
  4. 委員會已幾乎作出決定時,哈里提出一個與排水系統毫無關係的問題,而將整個議程打斷了。
    The committee had nearly come to a decision when Harry stuck his oar in with some irrelevant point about the drains.
  5. 公正的人總是不帶偏見地考慮發生爭執的雙方的意見,然後才作出決定。
    A judicial mind consider both side of a dispute fairly before make a decision.
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