- 余代數Galois擴張coalgebra Galois extension
- Masuoka和Doi[MD]給出了廣義cleft余模代數和具有一個正規基的廣義H-Galois擴張的概念,他們研究了二者的等價及對偶情形,但沒有涉及到Hopfcrossed積或余積。The concepts of the generalization cleft comodule algebra and thegeneralization H?Galois extension with a nouial basis were due to Masuokaand Doi [MD], they studied the equivalence of them and the dual case. Butthey didn?
- T-余代數T-coalgebras
- 余自同態余代數co-endomorphism
- Yetter-Drinfel'd模余代數Yetter-Drinfel'd module coalgebra
- 我們堅決反對擴張主義。We stood firmly against expansionism.
- Hopf Galois擴張與Hopf模結構定理Hopf Galois Extensions and Structure Theorems of Hopf Modules
- Z2×Z2-Galois覆蓋代數Z2×Z2-Galois covering
- 百餘over one hundred
- 擴張的血管distended veins
- 你的代數題做不下去了吧?Are you stuck over your algebra?
- Galois環導出p元序列中元素組的分佈及其漸近均勻性Distribution of r-grams in p-ary sequences derived from sequences over Galois rings and the asymptotical uniformity
- 1997年Chin和Montgomery通過對偶路代數的構造得到了路余代數並給出了路余代數的一些基本性質。In 1997 Chin and Montgomery dualized the construction of path algebras to obtain the path coalgebras and gave some basic properties of path coalgebras.
- 阿貝爾擴張域Abelian extension field
- 這些職業工種因技術的發展而變得多餘。The jobs have been made redundant by technological advance.
- 用來治療心絞痛的血管擴張神經劑。a vasodilator that is sometimes used to treat angina pectoris.
- 吉姆如饑似渴地學習代數。Jim is eating up the course in algebra.
- 本原擴張primitive extension
- 余留be left; remain
- 他終於算出了這道代數題的答案。He finally got the answer to the algebra problem.