



  • - (身體) body; part of the body:

    limbs; 肢體

    the upper part of the body; 上體

    - (物體) substance; object; state of a substance:

    liquid; 液體

    whole; entirety 整體

    - (文字的書寫形式; 作品的體裁) style; structure; form:

    cursive hand; 草體

    style of writing; literary style; 文體

    - {語} (一種語法範疇) aspect (of a verb):

    progressive aspect; 進行體

    perfective aspect 完成體

    - (體制) system:

    system of government; 政體

    state system 國體

  • - (親身; 設身處地) personally do or experience sth.; place oneself mentally in another's position:

    do sth. personally 體行



  1. 對於這種新體制,你看會有什麼問題嗎?
    Do you foresee any problems with the new system?
  2. 教育體制要作許多改革。
    Many reforms must be made to the education system.
  3. 她的文體中用很多比喻。
    Her style is rich in simile.
  4. 我喜歡他的帶點詼諧的嚴肅文體。
    I like his serious style leavened with wit.
  5. 在勞資集體談判制度下,工人作為一個團體同公司經理進行談判。
    In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company.
  6. 這封信是用正式文體寫的。
    The letter is written in formal style.
  7. 血液在體內循環。
    Blood circulates through the body.
  8. 運動和身體的關係,如同思考和頭腦的關係。
    Exercise is to the body what thinking is to the brain.


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