- 伽利略E1-BOCGalileo E1-BOC
- 伽利略Galileo
- E1級E1 grade
- 伽利略的思想超越了他生活的時代。Galileo's ideas were in advance of the age in which he lived.
- E1區E1 region
- 伽利略的Galilean
- E1信號E1 signal
- E1/T1E 1/T 1
- 第一個正確描述落體性質的科學家是伽利略。The first scientist to correctly describe the behavior of falling objects was Galileo.
- E1通道E1 channel
- 伽利略變換下正交曲線坐標系中速度和加速度的矩陣表示Derivation of Galilean Transformation on Velocities and Accelerations in Vertical curve Coordinates by Means of Matrix
- E1基因E1 gene
- 伽利略的思想遠遠超越了他所生活的時代.Galileo's ideas were well in advance of the age in which he lived.
- E1鏈路E1 link
- 伽利略數Galileo number
- E1埠E1 port
- 伽利略雙目鏡Galileian binocular
- E1協議E1 protocol
- 同時我們對伽利略的反對派卻多少增加了同情。At the same time our sympathy for Galileo's opponents has grown somewhat.
- E1業務E1 service