- 傷生be injurious to life
- 養虎傷生bringing up a tiger to injure oneself; be injured by one whom one has been kind to
- 幸虧英國人對殺人害命深惡痛絕。Happily, the minds of Englishmen have an horror of murder.
- 心傷生絕望情去何以堪芳心徒掩淚真愛可誓言?Broken heart widely opens her eyesWondering what results in the disaster; Crying heart fruitlessly restrains her tearsWondering whether love needs swear.
- 浪費他人的時間無異於圖財害命。the waste of time could prove fatal.
- 她神情淡漠,面色蒼白,好象把自己看作是殺生害命的女兇手。Her face was dry and pale, as though she regarded herself in the light of a murderess.
- 有的人吃素僅僅是因為他們喜歡那樣的飲食,有人吃素則是按照不宜傷生這一戒條行事。Some are vegetarians simply because they prefer that type of diet,others on the principle that the taking of life is always wrong.
- 害to do harm to
- 宿命foreordination
- 生人(n) stranger
- 要命(v) cause sb to die
- 生孩子have a baby
- 障害hinder; obstruct
- 生下be delivered of
- 她神情淡漠,面色蒼白,好象把自己看作是殺生害命的女兇手。Her face was dry and pale, as though she regarded herself in the light of a murderess
- 生出put forth
- 硬傷mechanical damage
- 安非他命amphetamine
- 生小孩child-bearing
- 砸傷bruise