- 傳統變送器的HART改造HART Retrofit of Traditional Transmitters
- 罐區鋼帶浮子液位變送器的改造On the Transformation of Hydraulic Steel-belt Float Trans-feeder at the Tank Area
- 基於HART協議的新型智能氣體渦街流量變送器設計Design of the Intelligent Vortex Flow Transducer for Gas Based on HART Protocol
- 你可以通過變送器設定刷子運行的間隔時間和運行時間。You can set the wiping duration and the wiping intervals via the transmitter.
- HART協議智能變送器在應用中的典型故障及原因Typical Faults and Reasons on the Application of the HART Protocol of the Smart Transmitter
- 根據訂貨信息表確定變送器的型號,指定如壓力範圍,輸出方式和變送器基本的結構件材料等。According to ordering information table confirms the transmitter model, and appoints such as pressure scope, output mode and basic structure member material of the transmitter.
- 該變送器的流量脈動只有單片萱適齒輪變送器脈動的1/16,可用來測量高壓液壓系統動態流量。The flow pulse of the transformer flowmeter has a 1/16 pulse of single gear to measure dynamic flow of high pressure hydraulic system.
- 變送器的測量元件Measuring element of a transducer
- 紅外原理變送器的開發Development of Transmitter Based on Infrared Principle
- 特別是目前發展較快的匯流排技術要求變送器(或感測器)具有良好的可靠性和更高的精度。And the fast development of the fieldbus requires that a transmitter or a sensor should have good reliability and higher precision.
- 變送器transducer
- 在以下範圍內我們提供產品和服務:照管、壓差和工業計算機以及壓力變送器或工業計算機。The company andi li photoelectric technology co., ltd. offers services from the ranges Inverter, Industrial computer in addition to Industrial computer.
- 渦流變送器vortex flow transmitter
- Z/V變送器Z/V convertor
- 無線變送器wireless transmitter
- 電流變送器The current transmitter
- 風壓變送器adjusting drought blower
- 氣壓變送器air pressure transmitter
- 電阻變送器resistance converter
- 粒料流量變送器solid flow transmitter