- 而一經有了辦法,就要減輕人民負擔,藉以休養民力。And as soon as we can, we should lighten the burdens so that the people can build up strength.
- 休養(v) recover; recuperate
- 民力financial resources of the people
- 濫用民力misuse the people's financial resources
- 民力資源the resource of people
- 他來到海濱休養。He came to the seaside to recruit.
- 切實珍惜民力value people resources
- 在海邊休養relax at the seashore
- 民力和軍力相結合,將給日本帝國主義以致命的打擊。By their combined strength the people and the army will deal a death-blow to Japanese imperialism.
- 到鄉下去休養go to the country to recruit
- 他們住在一個林中休養地。They lived in a sylvan retreat.
- 深入了解民情、充分反映民意、廣泛集中民智、切實珍惜民力go deep among the people and get to know how they are faring, reflect their will, pool their wisdom and value their resources
- 她去鄉村休養。She went to the country to recuperate.
- 在抗戰初期,曾有支差過多、浪費民力的現象,這個毛病很快就得到了克服。The early days of the war of resistance witnessed excessive assignments of corvee duties and wasting of manpower,but these were soon corrected.
- 他考慮到某一休養勝地。He contemplated going to some health resort.
- 現在一面要為戰爭動員民力,一面又要儘可能地不違農時,應當研究調節的辦法。At present we must mobilize civilian manpower to support the war; On the other hand, we must so far as possible not miss any season for farming; Hence we should study methods of adjustments.
- 她將去海濱休養。She is to go to the seaside to recruit.
- 唐後期 (安史之亂后 ) ,由於民力凋殘 ,吏治腐敗 ,財政生活中逋懸欠負現象日益嚴重。In the late Tang Dynasty (After the AN\\|SHI Turmoil),people's serious poverty and the officials' corrupt led to the increasing serious phenomenon of the debts' absconding in the financial lief.
- 吉姆動完手術后在家休養了幾個星期,現在他又康復了。Jim rested at home for a few weeks after his operation,and now he was as fit as a fiddle again.
- 堅決糾正虛報浮誇、欺上瞞下、濫用民力、強迫命令的惡劣作風,做到講真話、辦實事、求實效。We must resolutely check bad practices, such as false reports to deceive one's superiors or subordinates, misuse of the people's financial resources, and coercion. We should speak the truth, do solid work, and stress practical results.