- 以PC為基礎的數控系統CNC system based on PC
- 實現了以IBM-PC為主機,用RS422方式連接多台MCS-51單片機的通信系統。TMe communication system , connected IBM-PC computer with the MCS-51 monolithic microcomputers by RS-422 serial bus ,is realized.
- SMES系統是以直流電流形式將電能儲存於無電阻的超導圈中為基礎的。SMES systems are based on the energy storage in form of DC current in the wires of a resistance-free superconductor coil.
- 描述了一種以PC機為上位機,STD工控機為下位機的測控系統。 兩機之間通過RS-232進行數據通訊。This paper describes a measurement and control system with a PC as its upper level computer and an STD as its lower level compurter, using RS-232 for data communications between them.
- 以板英尺為基礎的測量木材的單位制a system of units for measuring lumber based on the board foot
- 龍門刨床的數控加工系統Numerical Control Machining System of Double Housing Planer
- "你們為什麼都以我當初決定來指責我?你們那時可都是同意了的。""Why should you all throw my decisions back at me? You agreed with me at the time."
- 分佈數控系統Kdistributed numeral control system
- 但是修道院是以獨身生活為基礎的非正常的社會團體;But the monasteries were abnormal social bodies, founded on celibacy;
- 激光切割機數控系統LC CNC systems for Laser Cutting
- "彼得為啥需要兩輛車?" - "他是不需要兩輛車,可他的錢多得沒處花。""Why does Peter need two cars?" - "He doesn't, but he's always had money to burn."
- 機床數控系統在自動焊中的應用Application of numerical control system of machine tool in automatic welding
- 一種以武力威脅為基礎的對外政策a foreign policy that relied on the big stick.
- 複合材料自動鋪帶機專用數控系統Numerical Control System for Automated Tape Laying Machine
- 電信產業的和諧發展是電信為和諧社會做出應有貢獻的基礎。The harmonious development of telecommunication industryis the foundation on which telecommunication should make contribution to the harmonious society.
- 機器視覺測量在卷板機數控系統中的應用Application of the Machine Vision Measuring Technique to the NC System for Bending Machine
- 班級教學是以約翰·威和福克斯法爾的教育觀念為基礎的,他們認為教育應該反映社會。Base classroom on John Dewey and Foxfire philosophiles5, which say education should reflect society.
- 開放式數控系統在合成碳膜電位器修刻機中的應用Application of open numerical control system in synthetic carbon film potentiometer scraping unit
- 1光年是以每秒186000英里的速度走過一年的距離,約為6萬億英里。A light year is the distance which light travels at186,000 miles per second in one year, namely6 million million miles.
- 辛亥革命興起了以實現男女平權、爭取女子參政為主要目標的女權運動。The 1911 Revolution kindled a feminist movement which focused on equal rights for men and women and participation by women in political affairs.