
[yǐ zhì]




以致 [yǐ zhì]
  • - (多用來指不好的結果) so that; with the result that; consequently;as a result that;as a result:

    He hadn't studied hard so that he failed in the exam. 他平時學習不努力,以致(於)考試不及格。

    In most machines friction consumes effort, with the result that less work is got out than is put in. 在大多數機器中,摩擦要消耗功,以致造成輸出的功要小於輸入的功。



  1. 比賽是如此令人興奮,以致我把即將來臨的期末考忘得一乾二凈。
    So exciting was the game that I forgot all about the coming finals.
  2. 當今用手做東西,在許多國家已經成為很特殊--如此地特殊,以致贈送自製禮物有時被認為是不尋常的。
    Making something by hand has become the exception in many countries today -- so much so that giving a homemade gift is sometimes considered extraordinary.
  3. 克文病得嚴重以致無法來上課。
    Kevin is so sick that he can't come to class. (=Kevin is too sick to come to class.)
  4. 我被兩個肥胖的女人緊緊地擠在中間,以致於要站起來下公共汽車都很難。
    I was so tightly wedged between two fat women that it was difficult for me to get up and leave the bus.
  5. 我非常惱怒,以致覺得非給報社寫封信不可。
    I was so annoyed that I felt impelled to write a letter to the paper.
  6. 我的工作非常緊張,以致於我沒有時間休息。
    My work is so intense that I even have no time to take a rest.
  7. 鄉村風光太美了,以致於他決定再多呆一星期。
    The rural scenery was so beautiful that he decided to stay one more week.


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