- 持勢凌人To hold influence and to humiliate a person
- 倚勢凌人throw one's weight around; rely on one's position to treat others with contumely and injustice
- 恃勢凌人trust to one's power and insult people; use one's power to bully others; bully others relying upon one's influence
- 仗勢take advantage of one's power
- 氣勢凌人而又持續的具有說服力。aggressively and persistently persuasive.
- 仗勢霸道misuse one's power and influence in order to intimidate and coerce the weak
- 仗勢倚財rely on one's wealth and power; presume on one's power and rely upon his own wealth
- 我猜他準是驕氣凌人,不把我放在眼裡。I suppose he will be awfully proud, and that I shall be treated most contemptuously.
- 仗battle
- 那些丈夫和情人們,看到苔絲讓人這樣威懾勢凌,有欠公道,就想幫助苔絲一下,好使爭端平息。Thereupon, finding Tess unfairly browbeaten, the husbands and lovers tried to make peace by defending her.
- 仗勢作惡use power to do evil
- 報人journalist
- 運勢luck tendency
- 埃及人Egyptian
- 白種人white
- 恃權仗勢rely on one's power and position
- 強人strong man
- 人渣scouring
- 愛爾蘭人Irish
- 倚官仗勢count on one's powerful connections