- 人學意義的阿QA Q in Humam Studies
- 這就是阿Q、陳奐生、彭細寶們的美學意義和典型性之所在And that is the aesthetic meaning of AQ, Cheng Huansheng and Peng Xibao, etc.
- 手印東印度古典舞中一系列有象徵意義的手勢或肢體語言A series of symbolic body postures and hand movements used in East Indian classical dancing.
- 聊以自慰的話(狐狸吃不到葡萄就說葡萄是酸的有點類似於中國的阿Q精神)sour grapes
- 毫無意義的skimble-skamble
- 真高興今天能會見你。這對我來說是一個有特殊意義的日子。我將永生難忘。I am mighty proud of this privilege to meet you. this is a red-letter day for me, and I'll remember it as long as I live.
- 我有一枚有紀念意義的銅牌。I have a monumental brass medal.
- 「這個斷子絕孫的阿Q!」遠遠聽得見小尼姑的帶哭的聲音。"ah Q, may you die sonless!"sounded the little nun's voice tearfully in the distance.
- 富有意義的senseful
- 《阿Q正傳》是誰寫的?Who was the story of Ah Q written by ?
- 含有內涵意義的connotational
- 阿Q氣Ah - Q style
- 沒有意義的談話yackety-yak
- 那個講三個漂亮姑娘在太空船內的故事是毫無現實意義的作品。That story about three beautiful girls in a spacecraft is pure escapism.
- 阿Q之死A Q's death
- 大事具有重要意義的事件或事變A significant occurrence or happening.
- 打小算盤,弄小智術,官僚主義,阿Q主義,實際上毫無用處。Petty niggling, mean tricks, bureaucracy, and Ah Q-ism are of no use at all.
- 釋義對單詞、短語或術語的意義的說明,如字典的詞條中的解釋A statement of the meaning of a word, phrase, or term, as in a dictionary entry.
- 郭橐駝與阿QGuo Tuo-tuo and Ah Q
- 阿Q三重人格Ah Q s Triplex Personality