- 互反Fuzzy判斷矩陣Reciprocal Fuzzy Judgment Matrix
- Fuzzy判斷矩陣Fuzzy Judgment Matrix
- 基於目標規劃和相對優勢度的區間數互反判斷矩陣排序法Ranking Method for Interval Numbers Reciprocal Judgment Matrix Based on Goal Programming and Relative Superiority Degree
- 兩個群的反Fuzzy子群直積的幾個結果Some Results on the Product of Anti- Fuzzy Subgroups of Two Groups
- 互反和互補判斷矩陣的轉換關係及其集成排序Transformation Relations Between Reciprocal and Complementary Judgement Marrices and Their Integrated Prioritization Approaches
- 反anti-
- 判斷to decide
- 互mutual
- 三標度法在群體判斷和Fuzzy判斷中的應用Application of Three Standard Degree Method in Group Comparison and Fuzzy Comparison
- 一個正互反矩陣右主特徵向量的單調性質The Monotone Property of a Positive Reciprocal Matrix
- 異常代謝參數與內皮功能障礙之間的互反關係Reciprocal relationships between abnormal metabolic parameters and endothelial dysfunction
- 每次修改判斷矩陣的一對元素即可進行判斷矩陣的修正。The second, a step length of rectifying judgment matrix is got through measure matrix.
- 阿廷互反祿artin reciprocity law
- 不確定型模糊判斷矩陣一致性逼近與權重計算的一種方法Consistency Approximation and Weight Calculation Method of Uncertain Fuzzy Judgment Matrix
- 埃爾米待互反律hermite reciprocity law
- 判斷矩陣judgment matrix
- 互反reciprocal
- 一種含參數的模糊互補判斷矩陣元素與優先權重的邏輯關係A Logic Relation of Elements in Fuzzy Complementary Judgment Matrix with Parameter and Priorities
- 昂薩格的互反定理onsager reciprocity theorem
- 一致判斷矩陣consistent judgment matrix