- 這兩件事互不相干。The two events were totally unrelated.
- 兩個東西互不相干。Two things each other is irrelevant.
- 他們是一群互不相干的人,各有各的命運。They were separate people with separate destinies.
- 他們是一群互不相干的人,各有各的命運。They were separate people with separate destinies.
- 這是一大堆含混不清、互不相干或彼此矛盾的其他情報。This is barrage of other information that is either ambiguous, irrelevant, or contradictory.
- 相干be concerned with
- 不相干be irrelevant
- (中美)戰略核武器互不瞄準對方non-targeting strategic nuclear weapons against each other
- 美術拼貼(在畫面上拼貼報紙、布、壓平的花等互不相干的碎片的藝術形式)Collage (n.): an art form in which bits of objects, as newspapers, cloth, pressed flowers, etc.
- 這兩種信念是互不相容的。The two beliefs are mutually exclusive.
- 相干性cohence
- 他們的行動互不協調。They did not act in concert with one another.
- 他的話同這個問題不相干。His remark did not pertain to the question.
- 場面互不連貫的戲a play of staccato scences
- 非意相干To interfere without reasons
- 他們見面認識,但各自的生活圈子互不搭界。They knew each other by sight, but their orbits did not touch.
- 相干散射coherent scattering
- 這五元給你,現在我們互不相欠,好了吧!Here's five dollars. Now we are even-steven. Okay?
- 相干性相干的性質,如波的The property of being coherent, as of waves.
- 彼此互不侵犯。One could not encroach upon the other.