- 二階Adaline網路second order Adaline network
- 網路network
- 用Adaline網路實現電力線載波機的同頻帶全雙工通信Full-duplex communication of PLC in same frequency band based on Adaline NN
- 網路連接network connections
- 網路設置network settings
- 主要研究了單層神經網路、Adaline網路及B-P網路用於系統辨識中的工作原理,提出了把B-P網路權值轉換為傳遞函數的方法。The operating principles of the monolayer neural network, Adeline network and B-P network in the system identification are introduced in this paper. The transformational method from the weights of the networks to the transfer functions is put forward.
- 二階second order
- 網路技術network technology
- 電腦網路Internet
- 計算機網路computer network
- 二階導數second derivative
- 神經網路NN
- 網路設備network equipment
- 網路中心hub
- 網路科技network technology
- 網路驅動器network drive
- 網路管理network management
- 網路管理員network administrator
- 網路遊戲online game
- 網路應用network application