- 任意引物PCRarbitrarily primed PCR
- 雙引物PCRDouble - primer PCR
- 隨機引物PCRarbitrarily primed PCR(APPCR)
- 組合引物PCR法grouping primers PCR
- 引物二聚體primer dimer
- 半隨機引物PCRSemi-random primer PCR
- 引物二聚體在目的基因克隆中的應用初探The primordial study of application of primer dimer in the gene clone
- 套式引物nested primer
- 錨定引物中擴增效果最好的是以CG或GC結尾的AP2、AP7。the most effective anchored primers were AP2 and AP7 ended by CGs or GCs .
- 引物結合位點primer binding site
- 型特異性引物PCRType-specific primer PCR
- 採用兩對 P C R 引物檢測尿道及生殖道分泌物中的沙眼衣原體。Tw o pairs of P C R prim ers are used to test the chlam ydia trachom atis insecretion from urethra and vagina.
- RNA任意引物PCRRNA arbitrarily primed PCR
- 結果K 引物在高產蜜量的喀尼阿蘭和美意二品系蜜蜂擴增產物中發現K700bp 的特異DNA 片段。The results showed that prime K produced a special 700bp fragment which was found Carniolian bee and American Italian bee had high honey production.
- 參照在擬南芥4-二氫黃酮還原酶基因序列,設計基因專一引物,靶向擴增克隆目的基因片段。Using the primer designed from the gene of dihydroflavonol 4-reductase (DFR) in Arabidopsis thaliana, using the genomic DNA of Sichuan yellow Ziyejie as template, we obtained the DFR gene fragment.
- 因而,設計PCR引物時宜選擇Takahashi等分離株為標準。In China these viruses share high homology with Takahaski』s strains which might be good standards for primer designation.
- PCR引物PCR primer
- PCR固定引物PCR anchor primer
- PCR引物移動primer shift