- 他想這事勢難兩全,只求做得光滑乾淨,讓蘇小姐的愛情好好的無疾善終。He felt the situation between him and the two women was too difficult to handle and prayed that he would be able to handle it smoothly and cleanly and let Miss Su's affections toward him die a painless death.
- 時事current events
- 理事(n) councilman
- 運勢luck tendency
- 多事meddlesome
- 事由main content
- 某事something
- 時事新聞topical news
- 電勢electric potential
- 無事impunity
- 他有錢有勢,可儘管如此卻並不快樂。He has great power and wealth, but is still unhappy for all that.
- 時事通訊newsletter
- 執事deacon
- 趨炎附勢curry favour with the powerful
- 回事matter
- 造勢make a show of power
- 任何事anything
- 當事concerned; involved
- 去勢emasculation
- 勢的potential