- 舉目無親be a stranger in a foreign land
- 孤芳自賞。Each bird love to hear himself sing.
- 孤芳自賞的影星a narcissistic silent screen star
- 你現在是窮途末路,舉目無親。Now you have come to the last extremity and have no one to rely on.
- 在倫敦你舉目無親。Up in London you are nobody.
- 她的早年的孤芳自賞是很可愛的。Her early attachment to herself was very amiable.
- 他這人最愛孤芳自賞。His spirit loves to hold communion with itself
- 媽媽為什麼要到這個舉目無親的地方來?Why would Mom want to come down here where she didn't know anybody?
- 他總是脫離群眾,孤芳自賞。He is always cutting himself off from the masses and indulging in self-admiration.
- 不過,我在這裡也是舉目無親And yet I'm a stranger here too.
- 孤芳自賞的新生代詩歌The Cenozoic Era Poetry of Self Admiration
- 當你舉步唯難,舉目無親時,I'll dry them all I'm on your side When times get rough
- 天曉得,我是舉目無親啊!I am friendless enough, God knows!
- 他總是脫離群眾,孤芳自賞。He is always cutting himself off from the masses and indulging in self-admiration.
- 他一向自命清高,孤芳自賞。He took his pleasures in general singly.
- 你現在是窮途末路,舉目無親。Now you have come to the last extremity and have no one to rely on.
- 淡綠色的圓頂在寂寞的天空中孤芳自賞。The pale green dome making the aesthetic protest in the solitude of sky.
- 你現在窮途末路,舉目無親。Now you have come to the last extremity and have no one to rely on.
- 他一向自命清高,孤芳自賞。He took his pleasures in general singly.
- 不過,我在這裡也是舉目無親啊。And yet I'm a stranger here too.