- 談主從式J-K觸發器與邊沿式J-K觸發器的區別Talking about the Differences between Master-slaver Mode J-K Flip-flop and Edge J-K Flip-flop
- 主從式J-K觸發器master-slaver mode J-K flip-flop
- 一個電荷控制的整體式J-K觸發器An Integrated Charge--Control J--K Flip--Flop
- 自適應主從式并行遺傳演算法在區間非線性規劃問題求解中的應用Application of Self-adaptive Master-slave Parallel Genetic Algorithm to Interval Nonlinear Programming
- 嵌入式flush bonding
- 它以PC/104為主控制器,並與13個單片機(從控制器)構成主從式網路結構。It adopts the master-slave structure, which takes PC/104 as its master controller and 13 pieces of micro control unit(MCU) as slave controllers.
- 主從principal and subordinate
- 式的fashioned
- 燕山期(J-K)Yanshanian (J-K)
- 式中wherein
- 美式英語American English
- 聽一聽J, K, L, m, 和NListen for J,K,L,M and N
- 嵌入式系統embedded system
- 日式Japanese
- 主從J-K雙穩態觸發器master slave J-K flip flop
- 現在他在接連打出紅A、K和J。Now he played out a,k,and j of heart.
- 單式simplex
- 主從RS觸發器約束條件的討論Discussion on the Restraining Condition of the Main and Subordinate RS Toggle Flip-flop
- 巴洛克式barpque
- 菜式cuisine