- 橫行霸道tyrannize
- 現在有極少數人拿著這個權力侵佔群眾利益,搞生活特殊化,甚至橫行霸道,為非作歹,還好像是理所當然。And there are a few people now who abuse this power and encroach upon the interests of the masses, pursue a privileged life-style for themselves and even act tyrannically and outrageously.What's more, they seem to think it's natural to behave that way.
- 他獨霸一方,為非作歹。He was a local despot, who committed all kinds of crimes.
- 他為非作歹,罪惡滔天。He has committed many towering crimes.
- 這個歹徒橫行霸道。The gangster played the bully.
- 為非作歹的人criminal elements
- 亂斬亂殺, 橫行霸道run amuck
- 橫行霸道.自由市戰記Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories
- 他經常為非作歹。He always does wrongful acts.
- 一群不法之徒正在市中心為非作歹。A group of lawbreakers are rampaging around in the centre of the city.
- 橫行霸道,為所欲為act like an overlord and do whatever one wishes
- 欺壓百姓,為非作歹ride roughshod over the people and commit all sorts of crimes
- 橫行霸道專橫地自行其事To make(one's way) aggressively.
- 他為非作歹,罪惡滔天。He has committed many towering crimes.
- 學生中的頭目; 最橫行霸道的學生the cock of the school
- 夜間騎馬為非作歹的人[法] nightrider
- 黑社會成員在社會上橫行霸道。Members of the criminal underworld are terrorizing society.
- 遊手好閒,為非作歹。Devil finds work for idle hands to do.
- 法西斯曾在世界很大範圍內橫行霸道。The Fascists once tyrannized a large part of the world.
- 他為非作歹, 不會有好下場。His sins will find him out.