



  1. 她可不膽小--任何場合都能為自己說話。
    She's no shrinking violet always ready to speak up for herself.
  2. 那年輕人認為自己是委員會的新成員,為自己辯解得太多,該有個人出來制止他了。
    Considering he's a new member of the committee, that young fellow has far too much to say for himself; it's about time someone squashed him.
  3. 他不惜工本為自己造了一幢別墅。
    He spares no expense in building a villa for himself.
  4. 福克斯被趕下台,但是他沒有什麼可特別為自己辨護的。
    Fox was ousted from office but he had nothing to say for himself.
  5. 他不屑為自己謀私利。
    He is above taking profits for himself.
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