- 兩溫度梯度多重PCR鑒別牛早期胚胎性別的技術The Technique of Sexing Bovine Pre-implantation Embryos with Two-temperature Gradient Multiplex PCR
- 兩溫度梯度PCRtwo-temperature gradient PCR
- 梯度PCRgradient PCR
- 溫度梯度temperature gradient (TEMPGRAD)
- 提出海水的表面溫度及一定深度海水溫度梯度的測量方法。A method to measure temperature of surface seawater and a certain depth seawater was presented.
- 最佳溫度梯度optimum temperature gradation
- 井式真空退火爐徑向溫度梯度的測定及徑向均溫性能的提高Determination of Radial Temperature Gradient in Pit Type Annealing Furnace and Improvement of Radial Temperature Uniformity
- 高溫度梯度high temperature gradient
- 負溫度梯度negative temperature gradient
- 溫度梯度法temperature gradient method
- 溫度梯度板temperature gradient bar
- 從厚壁鑄鋼件鏈輪的品質攻關看順序凝固中溫度梯度的重要性The Important Function of Temperature Gradient in Designing Foundry Technology of Steel Casting with Heavy Wall Thickness
- 退火溫度梯度annealing template concentration grads
- 轉子溫度梯度rotor temperature gradient
- 垂直溫度梯度vertical temperature gradient
- 臨界溫度梯度critical temperature gradient
- 溫度梯度模式mode of temperature gradient
- 水平溫度梯度horizontal temperature gradient
- 輻射溫度梯度radiative temperature gradient