- 淪亡annexed
- 道德淪亡的社會depriving society
- 世道陵夷The practice of the world is declining to a low level
- 火線交鋒.美國淪亡錄Act of War High Treason
- 世道人心不可測。Cruel are the times.
- 她總是念叨以前的世道。She's always harking back to how things used to be.
- 他太不懂世道常情了。He is too ignorant of the ways of the world.
- 加斯東·德商說過,貝爾特洛因為反對正字法改革,「曾使法語免於淪亡」。Gaston Deschamps said that Berthelot, "had saved French from ruin" because he had opposed spelling reform!
- 我當年世道與今不同。In my day things were different.
- 加斯東·德商說過,貝爾特洛因為反對正字法改革,「曾使法語免於淪亡」。Gaston Deschamps said that Berthelot,"had saved French from ruin" because he had opposed spelling reform!
- 什麼世道,從上到下黑到底了。Depend on what morals, the entire black in the end.
- 周成王時 ,淪亡於晉南的秦余民以善於養馬 ,被成王封於趙城(今山西洪洞縣) ,姓趙氏。During the period of King Zhouchenwang, the remaining people of Qin, having been annexed in the southern part of Jin, were given the manor of Zhao City (Hongtong County in Shanxi Province) by the king, for being good at raising horses.
- 有錢有勢者說了算,這就是世道。The rich and powerful make the decisions-that's the way of the world.
- 在我們和全國人民看來,半個中國由貴黨而淪亡,決不能不課督貴黨以恢復領土主權的責任。As we and all the people see it, since half of China has been abandoned by your party, it certainly cannot evade its duty of recovering the territory and restoring China's sovereignty.
- 是啊,咱們這世道,談情說愛,多的是!Oh, yes! They love through all this world of ours!
- 海南島北部更新世道堂組的重新釐定Revision of the Pleistocene Daotang Formation in northern Hainan Island, China
- 如今這世道,差不多所有的孩子全都招人怕。Nearly all children nowadays were horrible.
- 他開始抱怨世道不好,但卻被敲門聲打斷了。He started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.
- 那時他還沒有要在這個世道上向上爬的念頭。He had at that time no notion of trying to rise in the world.
- 我近來收聽新聞時,有時納悶這成了什麼世道了。When I listen to the news these days, I sometimes wonder what the world is coming to.