- WATM和VSAT及其與B-ISDN的互連方案Interconnecting WATM,VSAT and B-ISDN
- 我們利用並列表示合取,AB意味著A與B兩者。We use juxtaposition to denote conjunction, AB means both A and B.
- OSI參考模型與B-ISDN協議參考模型的比較A Comparison Between the OSI Reference Model and the B ISDN Protocol Reference Model
- 設x為a與b之和.Let x be the sum of a and b.
- 已正式宣布A先生與B小姐將於下星期結婚。It has been announce d that Mr. A and Miss B will be married next week.
- 要進一步了解情況,請與本地代理商聯繫。For further information, contact your local agent.
- 與B交換B exchange A with B
- 她與公司中的那些上級主管合作愉快。She work well with those superior to her in the firm.
- 在A與B之間between A and B
- 海地、印度尼西亞政府與關稅及貿易總協定各締約國間的特別交換協定Special Exchange Agreement between the Government of Haiti,Indonesia and the Contracting Parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- A與B的差異the difference between the Earth's principal inertia moments A and B
- 關於包裝問題,我方將與廠商聯繫,要求他們對此引起重視。About packing, we will contact our manufacturers and call their attention to the matter.
- a與B結合起來。A integrates with B.
- 豇豆花葉病毒A與BCowpea mosaic viruses A and B
- 它含有能與溶液中離子發生交換作用的官能團。It contains functional groups which can exchange with ions from solution.
- A與B成正[反]比例。A is in direct [inverse] proportion to b.
- c/s與b/s結構整合c/s and b/s strueture
- 報文層用於建立連接和交換數據與控制信息。The message layer is used to set up connections and exchange data and control information.
- A 與B 的區別在於:A and B differ in the terms of ...
- 在剖面A與B之間劃一條線Draw a line between sections A and B