- 不透X線脊柱導管radio-opaque catheter
- 非吸收性不透X線造影劑,非吸收性陽性造影劑nonabsorbable radiopaque medium
- 不透X線染料radiopaque dye
- 在線in-line
- 不透X線橡膠X-ray rubber
- 監獄里不透光的窗戶;X光不能穿透的。opaque windows of the jail; opaque to X-rays.
- 不透X線造影劑,陽性造影劑radiopaque contrast medium
- 21例經X線透視導管位置滿意。21 catheters of ARROW and BRAUN were X rayed and their positions were normal.
- 不透X光的輸尿管導管catheter for x-ray, ureteral
- CT與X線對早期強直性脊柱炎的診斷Diagnoses of CT scan and X-ray film with the early ankylosing spondylitis
- 那起罪行的作案動機叫人捉摸不透。The motive for the crime was impenetrable.
- 脊柱爆裂骨折的X線與CT診斷的比較Comparison of X-ray photograph and CT on diagnosing spine burst fracture
- 不透X線性radiopacity
- 這個猜不透的謎使溫柔的愛米麗亞激動得老是定不下心。This mystery served to keep Amelia's gentle bosom in a perpetual flutter of excitement.
- 室間隔缺損合併動脈導管未閉X線診斷價值X-ray Diagnostic Value of VSD and PDA
- 不透X射線的roentgenopaque
- CT與X線平片對強直性脊柱炎的診斷價值Evaluation of CT and X-ray Plain Film for Diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis
- 那不是因為他看不起苔絲的天性,也不是因為他斷不透苔絲的感情。It was neither a contempt for Tess's nature, nor the probable state of her heart, which deterred him.
- 低不透X線性low radiopacity
- X線平片和CT在脊柱結核診斷中的互補性Supplementary Effects of X-ray and CT in Diagnosis of Vertebral Tuberculosis